
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Guess who's back. Jayson and Mike Bring you a brand-new episode featuring the band that helped them start it all. Sygnal To Noise is back. We have an exclusive interview with Coop about all of the huge news circulating the band!!! The guys also bring their picks for the 1st Annual New Rock Invasion Podcast Rock Madness Tournament, where you the listener can vote on the Head-to-Head matchup between Jayson and Mike to see which hosts' Rock Song makes it to the number one spot. Plus, much more!

Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
On the inaugural episode Jayson and Mike introduce listeners to the rock band Sygnal To Noise!!! We go over some rock news, the top 10 songs in rock. We go over albums that turn 30 years old. We have a discussion about Die Hard and how we believe it is an iconic Christmas movie. We play some music by our Artist Spotlight of the Week "Sygnal To Noise"